Mantis - ALGLIB
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1030 General major have not tried 2024-03-16 23:09 2024-03-16 23:09
none 4.02.0  
0001030: FIXED: alignment-related bug in the HPC core (used by Java, Python, C#)
Under rare circumstances, the native HPC core experiences an alignment-related failure. It happens when the following conditions are met:
* a Linux system is used
* the application uses a non-standard malloc() implementation which produces insufficiently aligned memory blocks and which overrides ALGLIB choice of malloc() implementation.

Under these circumstances ALGLIB functions which erroneously use standard malloc() instead of ALGLIB's own aligned malloc may fail with SIGSEGV error.
Issue History
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB New Issue
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB Status new => assigned
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB Assigned To => SergeyB
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB Programming language => Unspecified
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB Status assigned => resolved
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB Fixed in Version => 4.02.0
2024-03-16 23:09 SergeyB Resolution open => fixed

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