Mantis - ALGLIB
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588 Linear algebra feature have not tried 2014-01-24 17:26 2014-02-12 14:48
0000588: IMPLEMENTED: additional sparse matrix functions
New sparse linear algebra functions:
* SparseTRMV - triangular matrix-vector multiply (CRS and SKS formats)
* SparseTRSV - triangular solver (CRS and SKS formats)
* SparseVSMV - triangular symmetric x'*A*x product (CRS and SKS formats)
* SparseTransposeSKS - in-place transposition of SKS matrix

New informational functions:
* SparseGetUpperCount() - counts symbolically non-zero strictly upper triangular elements in the matrix
* SparseGetLowerCount() - same for lower triangle

Improved functions:
* all sparse matrix-vector and matrix-matrix functions now support SKS format
Issue History
2014-01-24 17:26 SergeyB New Issue
2014-01-24 17:26 SergeyB Status new => assigned
2014-01-24 17:26 SergeyB Assigned To => SergeyB
2014-01-24 17:26 SergeyB Programming language => Unspecified
2014-02-05 14:34 SergeyB Summary Sparse BLAS improvements => IMPLEMENTED: additional sparse linear algebra functions
2014-02-05 14:34 SergeyB Description Updated
2014-02-05 14:34 SergeyB Status assigned => resolved
2014-02-05 14:34 SergeyB Resolution open => implemented
2014-02-12 14:48 SergeyB Summary IMPLEMENTED: additional sparse linear algebra functions => IMPLEMENTED: additional sparse matrix functions
2014-02-12 14:48 SergeyB Description Updated

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