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Viewing Issues (351 - 400 / 494) Print Reports ]  CSV Export ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last ]
    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
   0000457 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (SergeyB)2012-06-29IMPLEMENTED: new functionality for sparse matrices
   0000458 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (Leo)2012-06-29IMPLEMENTED: minor tweak of the random matrix generator
   0000454 Spec.functionsmajorresolved (SergeyB)2012-06-29FIXED: big in the ErrorFunction() (about 1E-10 in magnitude)
   0000459 Linear algebraminorresolved (SergeyB)2012-06-28FIXED: minor inefficiency in the norm estimator
   0000461 Interpolationfeatureresolved (Leo)2012-06-28IMPLEMENTED: monotone spline interpolation
   0000449 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2012-06-27IMPLEMENTED: MinQP optimizer with support for general linear equality/inequality constraints
   0000430 Interpolationfeatureresolved (Leo)2012-03-27IMPLEMENTED: RBF model
   0000451 Generalfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2012-03-23Fix issue with documentation
   0000450 Optimizationminorresolved (SergeyB)2012-03-05FIXED: bug in the MinQP optimizer
   0000416 Linear algebrafeatureassigned (SergeyB)2012-02-15LinCG and LinLSQR: support for callbacks
   0000446 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (SergeyB)2012-02-14IMPLEMENTED: matrix norm estimator
   0000436 Data analysisminorresolved (SergeyB)2012-02-08FIXED: issue in MLPTrainES()
   0000404 Interpolationminorresolved (SergeyB)2012-02-03FIXED: minor bugs in Spline1D subpackage
   0000445 Data analysisfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2012-02-01TWEAK: support for empty KD-trees
   0000420 Optimizationmajorresolved (SergeyB)2012-01-20FIXED: BLEIC optimizer can fail when started from infeasible point
   0000435 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (Leo)2012-01-17IMPLEMENTED: sparse LSQR solver
   0000434 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (Leo)2012-01-17IMPLEMENTED: sparse linear CG optimizer
   0000410 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (Leo)2012-01-17IMPLEMENTED: sparse matrices
   0000403 Statisticsfeatureresolved (Leo)2012-01-17IMPLEMENTED: separate functions for mean, variance, standard deviation
   0000433 Generalfeatureresolved (Leo)2012-01-17IMPLEMENTED: generation of random values from continuous/discrete distribution given by finite samples
   0000432 Data analysisfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2012-01-17IMPLEMENTED: SMA, EMA, LRMA filters
   0000419 Linear algebraminorresolved (SergeyB)2011-12-22FIXED: inconvergence of the low-accuracy version of bidiagonal SVD
   0000251 Statisticsfeatureassigned (Leo)2011-11-02Generation of random variables...
   0000412 Linear algebrafeatureassigned (Leo)2011-10-26User-friendly BLAS
   0000405 Generalfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-10-18IMPLEMENTED: serialization of data analysis structures
   0000408 Generalfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-10-18IMPLEMENTED: SSE2 support for GCC/SunStudio
   0000409 Data analysisfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-10-18IMPLEMENTED: Markov Chains for Population Data
   0000407 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-10-17IMPLEMENTED: numerical differentiation support
   0000406 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-10-17IMPLEMENTED: optimization of functions with singularities
   0000401 Optimizationminorresolved (SergeyB)2011-10-17FIXED: bug in LM optimizer
   0000365 Interpolationfeatureassigned (Leo)2011-10-17New 1D spline operations
   00003991Integrationcrashresolved (SergeyB)2011-05-14FIXED: autogkintegrate crashes on certain function spaces for no apparent reason
   0000398 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-04-25IMPLEMENTED: BLEIC optimizer uses faster and more robust algo
   0000397 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-04-25IMPLEMENTED: LSFit improvements
   0000396 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-04-25IMPLEMENTED: MinLM improvements
   0000395 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-04-25IMPLEMENTED: quadratic programming support
   0000394 Optimizationminorresolved (SergeyB)2011-04-25IMPLEMENTED: L-BFGS improvements
   0000393 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2011-04-25IMPLEMENTED: MinCG improvements
   0000392 Linear algebrafeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-12-29IMPLEMENTED: limited support for SSE2
   0000391 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-12-29IMPLEMENTED: nonlinear CG improvements
   0000390 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-12-29IMPLEMENTED: optimization with linear equality/inequality constraints
   0000357 Linear algebrafeatureassigned (SergeyB)2010-11-28User-friendly BLAS
   0000373 Linear algebrafeatureassigned (SergeyB)2010-11-28Pseudoinverse
   0000389 Optimizationfeatureassigned (SergeyB)2010-11-28Optimization improvements
   0000385 Interpolationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-11-01IMPLEMENTED: new curve fitting algorithm
   0000388 Statisticsfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-11-01IMPLEMENTED: new covariance/correlation functions
   0000387 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-10-28IMPLEMENTED: Cholesky preconditioner for L-BFGS algorithm
   0000386 Interpolationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-10-28IMPLEMENTED: improved resampling with cubic splines
   0000384 Interpolationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-10-28IMPLEMENTED: improvements in the nonlinear least squares solver
   0000383 Optimizationfeatureresolved (SergeyB)2010-10-28IMPLEMENTED: improvements in the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer
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